Reelz Channel besöker Quileute Nation
Reelz Channel has a series of clips from their show Twilight Weekly: Spotlight, where they visit the Quileute Nation and interview the locals.
Interview w/ Jacob’s “Grandfather”: Where’s Jacob?
The Real Quileute Creation Story From A Tribe Elder:
Fler Rob "model" bilder
Snart kommer den :D
Det är helt sjukt hur nära det är tills New Moon kommer, jag kommerihåg hur jag givk runt förut och tänkte, New Moon kommer ut snart bara 250 dagar kvara bara 250 dagar kvar :D nu är det bara några få veckor kvar :D
Nyaste New Moon postern :D
Brevet kommer fram :D
Kommer ni ihåg brevet som jag la ut på sidan. Ett tack brev till Rob, peter "hittade" och ska lämna det till Rob :D
thetwilightfeber har nu en egen twitter så att ni följa oss även där :D
Nya Twilight stills
Nya New Moon posters
Ny otroligt vacker photoshoot med Ashley
Dagens Låt
Dagens Bild
Älskar dessa bilder, derför får detta vara dagens bild :D
Ett tackbrev till Rob
Edward-Cullen.Net fick följande brev från ett mycket sjuk fan som vill tacka Rob för att han singerade hennes New Moon bok när hon inte kunde få se honom som planerat.
Många av Twi-bloggar som publiceras och Tweeting i hopp om att någon ska se det som kan ge det vidare till Rob här är det :
I recently received the signed New Moon book that you autographed for me in NYC while you were filming Remember Me. The wonderful ladies at the Morgan Stanley Childrens Hospital Fund especially Ms Chris and one of her friends spent alot of their own personal time and effort in getting this for me after contacting Ms C from Remember Me. I will always be truly grateful to them for this gift.
I can't thank you enough for taking the time out of your busy life and schedule to sign this for me. It means more to me than you will ever truly know.
I am not sure how much you were told of me, but my name is Ms. MS and I am nearly 24 years old. I have a very rare lung disorder that causes my lungs to collapse at times witout any notice, and from the damage done to my lungs it has left me on oxygen nearly 24 hours a day. I can only take it off about 1 hour a day and a large percentage of my time is spent in a wheelchair as I can only walk short distances. They tell me my only other option is a lung transplant, scary right? This is a decision that I will have to make at some point but they tell me it will only give me an extra 5 - 7 years and well I just dont know. Anyway these are the breaks that life sometimes gives you.
You see I was lucky enough to win the Morgan Stanley Childrens Hospital raffle. They have looked after me since I was 16 years old which is when I first got sick. Anyway, one of the prizes I won was based around your favorite film and movie stars.
My wish was to try and either meet some of the Twilight stars especially you or go to one of your movie premieres.
Ms Chris from Morgan Stanley was trying to organize for me to come and meet you on the set of Remember Me in NYC this summer. I live in VB, but due to the timing, having to get everything worked out and the time to get clearance from your producers it was not meant to be.
I still am most grateful for the signed book from you. I will forever cherish your kind words as it gave some hope and that maybe one day things will work out for me too.
I also wanted to tell you that Peter Facinelli (Dr Carlisle from the Twilight series ) was at my local mall here in VB a few weeks ago as part of a Red Cross Blood Drive. How lucky was that right?
I got all dressed up made an effort and got my best friend to take me down to the mall wheelchair/oxygen and all . I waited for a few hours in order to see him and what a nice person he is even though he had been signing autographs for hours.
I had the pleasure of meeting him, taking a photo with him, and getting his autograph. I took my oxygen off and walked up to take the photo and I was shaking from my nerves I am sure he wondered what was wrong with me? :).
I wanted to give him this letter and ask him to give it to you but I felt a little embarrassed and he was very busy. There were hundreds and hundreds of people lined up waiting to meet him.
I love how you both are so dedicated to your work and your fans. I have attached a picture of the book you signed for me in the summer and also the picture of Peter so you know that this letter is really the truth.
I would appreciate if you could acknowledge that you received this if by chance it actually gets to you .
You seem like such a nice person and I wish you all the best in life.
Again I can't say thank you enough.
With Love,
Ms. MS
Lautner sååååå HET
Varje gång jag får upp en tanke om att konventera över till att "Rob är snyggast i Twilight" kommer Taylor alltid och gör nått änu bättre :P jag såg denna nya bild och blev helt "kär". jag tror ALDRIG att det kommer finnas någon som kan vara snyggare än han, ohh jag är helt såld ^^
Robs super HETA phootshoot
Jag tror jag slutade andas ett tag där :S Jag har ALDRIG sett han såhär Jä*la het förut, NÅGONSIN jag håller på att bli Team Edward här nästan bara för Rob är så otroligt, fins inga ord äns för sessa bilder :O
Klicka på bilderna om du tror att du klarar av utan att svimma! ;)
Ashley phootoshoot
Twitter användare :D
Här är listan på dom riktiga Twitters
som är relaterade till the Twilight Saga
Cullen Family Members
The Volturi
Forks Humans
Quileute Tribe Members
Other vampires
Dagens låt =)
Detta är en låt som jag har älskat helt sjukt mycket, men som har försvunnit och kom och tänka på den i dag och den är bara helt perfekt :D
Dagens Bild :)
Varför Taylor är HOT HOT HOT
Var inne på Twilight Obsession och hittade denna super inlägget om varför våran älskade Taylor Lautner är så damn HOT ;) så jag var tvungen att låna det :D
Why He’s Hot:
- He plays a werewolf in The Twilight Saga, and even if you are on Team Edward, you CANNOT deny that the idea of those big, strong arms picking you up and tossing you onto the bed like you’re just a rag doll and having rough sex (in which he may actually growl) isn’t a Big. Fucking. Turn On.
- He’s not legal yet, (6 months to go!), so you can corrupt him. Best reason to go to jail. Ever.
- He looks good with dirt rubbed on his chest. Dear god. You know you would love to take a tumble in the dirt with him.
- Have you seen those arms? That chest? That stomach? If you don’t find those stunning, then you’re a lesbian.
- He’s a legit nice guy. He’s totally that super respectable, sweet guy who makes you want to act like a lady. But then you look at those arms and your thoughts aren’t so lady like anymore.
Intervju med Taylor Latuner! =)
As an actor, how do you make the audience root for Jacob and get invested in his feelings when the outcome of the love triangle is already known?
Well, you try and take things one step at a time. When I'm filming New Moon, I'm not thinking about Eclipse. When I'm filming Eclipse, I'm not thinking about Breaking Dawn. We just have to focus on the movie that we're doing.
What is it like for your family and friends to see people scream at pictures of you topless?
[Laughs] It's weird. It's embarrassing for me, and I'm sure it's awkward for all of them.
Have you gotten teased about it at family dinners?
Not yet, and I'm hoping that doesn't happen because I'll start blushing.
Jag kan säga att det är stor spoilervarning i texten, så om du inte har läst alla böckerna och inte vill veta saker som händer föreslår jag att du inte läser mer än det som fins på denna sida ;)
"Would you ever date a fan?
I don't exclude anyone..."
Klicka här för att läsa hela intervjun
Ny New Moon bild :P
undra vilken scen det kan vara, Jacob ger Bella någon slags drömfångare?

Taylor Lautner på Teen Vouge Young party! ;)
Us Weekley scans
//Lisa (Erik)
Ny Poster
Halvägs med Eclipse
Rob hälsar till Serige!!
Nikki Reeds Playlist :D
Nikki's playlist:
1. Love and Happiness - Al Green
2. The House That Jack Built - Aretha Franklin
3. The Woman in You - Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals
4. Brooklyn Zoo - Wu-Tang Clan
5. Brown Trout Blues - Johnny Flynn
6. Top Yourself - The Racounteurs
7. There’s Gotta Be a Change - Jonny Lang
8. Shine - Laura Marling
9. It Makes No Difference - The Band
10. You Got Me - The Roots & Eryka Badu
11. Change - Tracy Chapman
12. Jehovah Made This Whole Joint for You - New Radicals
13. Zealots - Fugees
Derför valde hon dessa låtar:
“Love and Happiness” (Track 1): “I felt like this song would set the tone. Love and happiness are the two most indefinable emotions, but I think Mr. Green did a pretty good job.
“The House That Jack Built” (Track 2): “This reminds me of my first apartment. I used to blast Aretha while vacuuming. I want Jack to build me a house.”
“The Woman In You” (Track 3): “I literally cried the first time I heard Ben Harper sing.”
“Brooklyn Zoo” (Track 4): “I grew up listening to rap/hip hop. It wasn’t until recently that I was even aware, let alone had an appreciation for other kinds of music. Wu Tang, Biggie, Nas, Tupac, you guys all have a special place in my heart.”
“Brown Trout Blues” (Track 5): “Johnny is a friend of a friend. I saw him play live, and it was an indescribable experience. Music like this just isn’t made by people in my generation anymore.”
“Top Yourself” (Track 6): “I just recently fell in love with Jack White. He doesn’t know it yet. I met him not too long ago at a show. All I said was “hi”, and then I hid in a corner.”
“There’s Gotta Be a Change” (Track 7): “I’m mixing blues with politics. Lets make it happen people.”
“Shine” (Track 8): “I wanted to put “The Man sings” but iTunes doesn’t have it. It’s “that song” that I used to play at maximum volume in my car over and over again. There was a time when I felt a deep connection with those lyrics. Now I just laugh when I hear it. All of her songs are amazing. I’m her biggest fan.”
“It Makes No Difference” (Track 9): “A song like this is useful every once in a while. So is a good cry.”
“You Got Me” (Track 10): “I don’t know why I love this song so much, but a friend of mine says is reminds her of the time we spent together in Russia.”
“Change” (Track 11): “My mom used to play Tracy Chapman in the car, driving around the block for 30 min when I was a restless little kid. It relaxes me, it reminds me of my childhood.”
“Jehovah Made This Whole Joint For You” (Track 12): “I tried to cover this song with my friend Sage. We recorded it on Garageband. To this day we still laugh even at the thought. I love it, but i’ll never attempt to sing it again.”
“Zealots” (Track 13): “I’ve probably gone through five copies of this CD. It’s just a classic one. Also, there was a time when I literally thought I was Lauryn Hill’s long lost identical twin. (No you can’t see any photos).”
De låtar som fans med men inte hade någon förklaring:
1.. You’ve Got a Friend - James Taylor
2.. Madame Joy - The Black Keys

Wolfpack tatuering :D
Dagens Låt
Dagens Bild
Kan hålla med lite(a) Han är SÅ HET ;) dock är Rob ganska het själv men näää^^ inte om man gämnför med Taylor :P
Nya foton från en gammal photoshoot med Taylor ;)
Twilight extra! :D
"Karin från Nordisk Film och Josephine från Stockholmsgruppen har skickat information till oss om en ny utgåva av Twilight som släpps på DVD vid NMs release.
I november, för att fira att New Moon kommer ut på bio, kommer en ny exklusiv utgåva av Twilight att släppas på DVD. Den kommer att innehålla massor med extramaterial, och prylar som posters och kort kommer att medfölja!
Se bilder, mer information och releasedatumen för de nordiska länderna, nedan:
Sverige: 11 november
Norge: 4 november
Danmark: 3 november
Finland: 6 november"
- 150 minuters extramaterial, med över 90 min som är alldeles nytt material!
- Smygtitt på New Moon
- New Moon-poster
- 4 samlarkort
- 4 klistermärken
- Trading cards
Kellan i August Magazine ;)
Ashley Green på framsidan av Saturdag Night Magazine :D
Could you tell us about the new Twilight movie, New Moon?
It was fun for me because it was a little more in-depth for Alice’s character. It’s more about the angst part of it than the love story as far as Edward and Bella. Edward leaves Bella, so she kind of falls into a depression and gets close to Jacob, and discovers a couple more crazy things about the town. We had a blast filming. We got to go to Italy, which was amazing. It was a couple of us who got to go to Italy, and I was included. It was coming back to the people we got really close to in the movie before so it was like a little reunion. And Chris Weitz directed it, and he was incredible. I feel like the set was so chill and really comfortable, and it seemed like it was all very planned out and very put together so we weren’t going crazy and stressing out. I’m excited to see it all put together. I’m really confident that it will be good.
What was it like reuniting with the Twilight cast again?
Coming back to the second one was really great because we already had this relationship so we got to build on top of that. I feel like I was really close with a couple of people and then on the second one, I got close with a couple of different people, so it’s been really fun.
What was the process of being cast for the role of Alice? Were you familiar with the book series beforehand?
It was a really long, tedious process. I hadn’t read the books, but I read them because they wouldn’t release the script or breakdown. My manager told me to go into the audition and to do a good job and not to mess up because the casting directors were sticklers. So, I was like, “How am I supposed to do a good job? I don’t even know what I’m supposed to be playing!” I originally auditioned for Bella, and so I read the first book and kind of fell in love with it. I went in and auditioned and actually they called me back in and said, “No, you’re not right for Bella,” so I was bummed, and then they brought me back for Alice. I worked more on it – that was all I did for a couple of days before I went in. I came in probably like five times before I actually got the role – and then I went home for Christmas and literally just had to wait and wait. I thought that I didn’t get it again, and then I got the call that I was Alice and I freaked out and called my dad and mom.
Läs allt här
Bilder från New Moon
Intervju med Xavier Samuel
Question: Do you have any kind of relationship with Kristen's Bella? I mean, is there a bond of some kind that exists?
Samuel: That's a tricky question to answer, without giving away the plot.
Question: There might be, or there might not be?
Samuel: That's a valid statement. How am I doing evading it?
Question: You're doing very well. David Slade is the third director associated with the franchise.
Samuel: Yeah, David's astonishing.
Question: Now I was wondering whether or not he brings that kind of raw sensibility to this particular interpretation of Twilight.
Samuel: Well, he's such an intelligent, very down-to-earth director. And from what I can gather, the way that he's approaching shooting the film is quite different to the previous two.
Question: Now, is your character in any other books?
Samuel: In Eclipse. Yeah.
Question: Are you prepared for the female adulation that will result from this gig?
Samuel: [LAUGHTER] Look, I don't know how you prepare for something like that. I bet you just sort of take it in stride, and try to manage to lead a reasonably normal life, even if people are following you around while you're getting your coffee.
Läs mer här.
Eclips bilder :D
Fan made New Moon trailer!
Otroligt bra fan-made New Moon trailer, Denna fick mig att längte anu mer till den 20 November
Billy Burk i Forks polis station
Nya Eclipse foton
New Moon "Sneek Peek" i Italien
Detta säger yesterday's Rome preview:
- There will be an event on October 22 at the Rome Film Festival like there was last year, and Summit “will show ‘used’/repackaged footage like the Comic-Con pieces and on set b roll.”- “There will probably be one ‘new’ scene [to be determined] just prior to talent introductions and audience Q&A, but will be a few minutes at most.”
- The spokesperson went on to say that Summit is “still discussing specifics internally,” and “will have more details in the coming days.”
- As for who will be there? “It looks like Melissa Rosenberg, Cameron Bright, Jamie Campbell Bower, and Charlie Bewley will be in attendance.”
Burger King goes New Moon?
Summit and Burger King inked a deal to have a joint New Moon promotion, starting November 16th:
For fans hungry for another bite of the "Twilight" film franchise, Burger King Corp. is revealing a few details of what will be available in participating BURGER KING® restaurants nationwide this November as part of its multi-faceted "New Moon" promotion. A special gift of holiday value, which guests will receive free (while supplies last) with the purchase of a BK BURGER SHOTS® six pack value meal, will be packed full with "New Moon" merchandise offers, retail coupons and collectible cards. Additionally, a series of limited-edition "New Moon"-themed BK® Crown Cards featuring stars from the film are available for purchase at BURGER KING® restaurants and online at Once acquired, these collectible gift cards, which have a $5 minimum limit, can be loaded at BURGER KING® restaurants nationwide. These exclusive items are just a glimpse of what will be offered in BURGER KING® restaurants and are sure to be a hit with "Twilight" fans looking for hot gifts this holiday season. More information will be revealed in early November when the promotion launches in BURGER KING® restaurants nationwide.
“Curiosity among fans has continued since our exclusive ‘New Moon’-themed BK® Crowns hit the Comic-Con scene in San Diego in late July,” said Cindy Syracuse, senior director, cultural marketing, Burger King Corp. “While full promotional details are still to come, we can confirm that beginning Nov. 16, BURGER KING® restaurants will offer guests access to a number of limited-edition, movie-themed offers and merchandise.”
Vet inte om detta datum gäller för sverige dock , men vi kan ju alltid hoppas :D
Dagens Låt
Två låtar i dag :D en från soundtracket och den övre :D
Dagens Bild
The Host blir film!!
Hey guys, great news! The Host is on its way to the big screen: "Twilight's Meyer..."
I'm so excited to be working with Nick Weschler, and Steve and Paula Mae Schwartz to bring The Host to a visual format. They've all been a dream to work with, so lovely and collaborative, and I feel like we're in a really good place to make a great movie together. And then to have Andrew Niccol writing and directing? Truly awesome. If you've never seen Gattaca, go watch it now. One of my favorite movies of all time. It's such a great example of character driven science fiction, which is ideal for The Host, no? I'm having an absolute blast imagining different dream casts, which I would post if people didn't take my silly blogs so seriously these days. I'm looking forward to seeing the cast lists you come up with in the fansite forums, and if any of them match mine.
So, very exciting. Yay Host!
The Host blir film?
Variety berättar att Stephenie Meyer's The Host kanske ska bli film:
Producers Nick Wechsler, Steve and Paula Mae Schwartz have used their own money to acquire screen rights to "The Host," the first adult novel written by Stephenie Meyer, author of the "Twilight" series.
Andrew Niccol will write the script and direct.
Meyer's novel is a love story set in the near future on Earth, which has been assimilated by an alien species of benevolent parasites that call themselves "Souls." One such soul, the Wanderer, is fused with a dying human named Melanie Stryder, in an attempt to locate the last pocket of surviving humans on Earth.
Wechsler and the Schwartzes are separately teamed on "The Road," the John Hillcoat-directed adaptation of the Cormac McCarthy novel that will be released Nov. 25 by the Weinstein Co. They are also producing the Paul Schrader-scripted "The Dying of the Light" and an adaptation of Pete Takada book "An Eye at the Top of the World," which Ryne Douglas Pearson is adapting.
In addition to writing four volumes of the "Twilight" series, Meyer has been heavily involved in the screen transfers, and she spurned several overtures for "The Host." The producers continued lobbying the author and her UTA reps with a significant offer, a strong vision for the project and a collaborative spirit. Meyer eventually said yes.
In fact, Niccol first came under consideration after Wechsler and the Schwartzes asked Meyer what her favorite science fiction films are. "Gattaca" and "The Truman Show" were in her top five; Niccol wrote and directed "Gattaca" and scripted the Peter Weir-directed "The Truman Show."
Niccol most recently wrote and directed Orlando Bloom starrer "The Cross."
"We wanted Stephenie to be involved in the adaptation and have her endorse and be part of the creative decisions," Wechsler said. "Twilight" has "proven she knows more about what works than most."
Tycker det skulle vara jätte kul om det blev så :D
Vampyr BH
Kristen, Gil och Taylor på inspelningen av Eclipse
Charlie Bewley biter ett fan
20 minuter förhandsvisning i Italien!!!!
The Rome Movie Festival, taking place from the 15th-23rd of October will preview a 20 minutes of New Moon.
"In the next days, there will be released informations about the details, like how to get tickets for the event, the exact date and if some of the members of the cast will participate...
Last year, the sneak preview of Twilight, and the coming at Rome Festival of the two main protagonists of the movie, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, unleashed a great rumpus on the red carpet of the Auditorioum. This year, from some months now, I am receiving a lot of requests and questions if it will be something at the Festival for New Moon too, the second chapter of the Saga from Stephenie Meyer.
The answer is yes, this is an absolute preview:
at the Festival there will be an event regarding New Moon, but for now we don’t who will be present at the event, because all the actors are on set for Eclipse. We are working for you, but don’t count too much about Pattinson’s presence….we count on your passion though."
Dagens Bild :)

Dagens Låt
Jag tänkte att eftersom New Moon soundtracket är "bestämt" nu så tänkte jag låta dagens låt nu komma från inget annat än albumet tills alla låtarna är använda :D
Ashley harTwitter :D
Detta skrev hon senast :D

New Moon Wolfpack posters! SO HOT ;)
Fler New Moon "behind the scens" bilder :D
LA Times Hollewood Backlot New Moon inspelnings bilder =)
New Moon Soundtrack
Här är hela New Moon soundtrack :D
Från Stephenie Meyer's sida. Förbeställ på
Tillbaka :D
Dagens låtar :)
Beautiful as always!
Är det någon som har tipps på någon twi-bild?
Who doesn´t like Edward?!
So the Lion fell inlove with the Lamb <3
Det är verkligen min favorit!
Har ni något tipps på någon rolig bild?
New Moon trailerna =D
Här kommer ett ihopp satt klipp med alla New Moon trailers vi fått se!
WIIHOO, jag kan inte vänta längre!
Nya bilder på Kristen och Taylor
Dom är ju bara för underbart söta tillsammans!

Nya bilder på Kristen
Vma bilder :)
Bli inte lurade!
Jag hittade det här hos TwiFans. Det påstås här att Kristen och Rob är ett par, för att man kan se deras kemi tillsammans nu till skillnad ifrån förr...
Jag skulle först vilja påpeka att den högra bilden är photoshoppad (orginalet är under), sen tror jag att fallet är att Rob böjer ner huvudet lite för att höra vad Kristen säger.... Vad tror ni?
Par eller ej?
Hellu =D
Hej Då
Kommer sakna att blogg denna vecka men jag vet att Victoria kommer göra bloggen lika interessant :D

// Lisa
Robert, Kristen och Taylor på VMA
När Dom presenterar New Moons tredje trailer!! :D
// Lisa
ROB backstage! :D
// Lisa
Klippet med Taylor under VAM
Ashley Green Intervjuvar Taylor Lautner på rödamattan!
Twilight Gossip Girl har en video när Ashley Green Intervjuvar Taylor Lautner på Röda mattan :D
Taylor och Shakira på VMAs

// LIsa
Taylor på VMA

Ashley Green på röda mattan
Här är två otroligt vackra bilder på Ashley direkt fårn VMA :D
// Lisa
Live direkt från röda mattan :D
Chaske om New Moon trailern :D
Jim Cantiello intervjuar Chaske Spencer. Varulvarna lovar oss att han kommer vara tröjlös ;)
Gästlisatan på VMA
Här är gästlistan till VMA :D som ne ser fins alla tre av våra älsklingar med på listans bild, eller mer kanske 2 ½ host*
isabella Aka Blondinbella befinner sig just nu i New Yourk. Hon ska intervjuva under kvällen när kändisarna kommer nedför "rödamattan" sedan har hon en plats inne på själva galan :O
"Kändisarnas platser inför morgondagen! Tänk att jag har en plats i samma rum !"
Anna Kendrick new Moon trailer + likheterna mellan RPattz och George Clooney
MTV caught up with Anna on the red carpet of Up in the Air, and she talked about the new trailer, the difference between Twilight red carpet and Up in the Air's, and compared her costars Robert Pattinson and George Clooney

New Moon sneek peek
Dagens Låt

Dagens Bild
Jag hittade denna OTROLIGT VACKRA bild när jga kollade runt lite på Google. Den är fanmade och typ den vackraste jag någonsin sett!
Längre New Moon trailer
Jag hittade precis en till!! En New Moon trailer men den är 15 sekunder längre! :D vilket betyder mer New Moon och större spoiler ^^ Helt klar värd att kolla på :D
Det är enormt stor SPOILER på denna Dom har tagit med alla stora händelser och lagt in dom. Det är som att se hela filmen på 2 minuter!
Så tänk efter innan om du ska se eller inte!
Jag har typ rysningar i hela kroppen!!!! kan inte konsentreara mig på det jga håller på med just nu!!
Klicka här om du vill se den
Twilight förbud i Australien?
Daily Telegraph berättar att i en del skolor så förbjuds Twilight för att dom anses vara alltför "mogna" för yngre barn. Varför?
"Librarians have stripped the books from shelves in some junior schools because they believe the content is too sexual and goes against religious beliefs.
They even have asked parents not to let kids bring their own copies of Stephenie Meyer's smash hit novels _ which explore the stormy love affair between a teenage girl and a vampire _ to school."
Läs allt här
Som nu ser så kommer Rob och Kristen sitta bredvid varandra under VMA galan på i morgon :) Men vart sitter Taylor?
Vad det ser ut som, på bilder nedan som jag försökt att zooma så sitter han på andra sidan om Kristen :D
Eclipse News
Paramore kommer till Sverige!
Ja ni läste rätt ! :D
Självaste Paramore kommer hit till vårat lilla land Sverige! :)
Gissa när, :P Jo, dom kommer den 30 November! 10 dagar efter New Moon premiären, är inte det tajming :)
Någon mer än jag som funderar på att gå? :)
Nya New Moon bilder =)
jag var inne på The Twilights, där hittade jag dessa "Nya" New Moon bilder, vissa har bara ny layout :P
Bilder från Eclipse inspelningen
Se fler bilder här
Bilen stannar!

Lexicon staff:
“There are pictures of Robert Pattinson standing in front of a Black Volvo. Is that Edward’s car or is it a background vehicle? If it is Edward’s car, will it be recolored in post production? For most fans, making Edward’s Volvo anything but silver is kind of like deciding that the Batmobile is purple ”
Summit Answer:
“Edward is driving the exact same car he drove in NEW MOON.”
Förra Dagens Låt
The script - I´m yours

Dagens Bild
Exklusiv premiär av ny New Moon-trailer på VMA
Uppgifterna kom igår :D
Mtv har lagt ut uppgifterna om att New Moon trailern kommatt visas på VMA
Mtv säger:
Under årets VMA kommer stjärnorna Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart och Taylor Lautner att dyka upp för att för första gången visa den förlängda trailern av ”New Moon”, den andra filmen i vampyrsagan.
Galan kommer att sändas live med start klockan 02.00 den 14 September (natten mot söndag). Sover du (mot förmodan) kommer den att visas i helhet igen klockan
Jag vet ej säkert än om jga kommer sitta uppe och uppdatera sidan hela natten, det är något som jg gärna vill göra. Men nu är det så att jag åker till Ukraina tidigt sen morgonen så vi får se vad som händer :D
Våldigt frestand Franskt "Limited Edition" Twilight 3-Disc DVD paket

Jag har tänkt många gånger, "nu flyttar jag till Frankrike, dom får allt!" Nu gör jag det igen,
Jag skulle så gärna vilja ha de där paketet, det är ju helt sjukt snyggt och inehållet!! ohhhhh..
Jag blir så sjukt avensjuk!
det ser ju ut som att det fins smycken och andra godsaker i boxen. Läs mer (på franska)
Twilight blir porr!
Detta tycker jag inte om, jag älskar filmen den handlar om kärlek, Twilight=porr? Nej det funkar inte!!!
New Moon soundtrack
kicka här för att beställa, eller läsa mer :D
Taylor och Rob på Twitter?
inte än, men kolla vad peter säger..
Så kom igen! följ hans blogg så kanske vi i en snar framtid får våra Taylor och Rob på twitter :D
Ca 40 sekunder New Moon soundtrack

Dagens Låt
Dagens Bild
Nya bild i HQ :)
Klicka på bilden för att få den stor :D

Veckans Twilight Namn
är latinskt avlett av rosa 'ros', även kortform för Eufrosyna och Eufrosina
Placering på namntoppen 2008: Inte i topp 100
Antal kvinnor med namnet i Sverige: 690
Antal män med namnet i Sverige: 0
Veckans Twilight Namn
Veckans Twilightnamn ägs av ingen mindre är Esme
Placering på namntoppen 2008: Inte i topp 100
Antal kvinnor med namnet i Sverige: 65
Antal män med namnet i Sverige: 0
Från det franska Esmé (älskad) eller en variant av ordet Aimé (älskad av)
Andra "saker" med namnet Esme:
Flygplats i sverige
Veckans Twilight Namn
Placering på namntoppen 2008: Inte i topp 100
Antal män med namnet i Sverige: 4026
Antal kvinnor med namnet i Sverige: 14
Edvard eller Edward (ursprungligen Eadweard) är ett mansnamn med engelskt ursprung sammansatt av ord som betyder "rikedom" och "väktare". Numera är stavningen Edward den vanligaste, men bland de äldre är stavningen med v den dominerande. Namnet har används i Sverige sedan 1600-talet. Redan på medeltiden användes namnet i formen Jedvard.
Veckans Twilight Namn
Denna veckas twilight namn får bäras av inte mindre än Jacob, som dessutom har namnsdag i dag
Jacob är ett Bibliskt namn med möjliga betydelser "han som håller i hälen, överlistaren, må gud skydda".
Olika kända personer/saker med namnet Jacob:
Jakob Markström, svensk ishockeymålvakt
Volvo Jakob, första Volvomodellen
Maträtten "Flygande Jacob".
Statestiken i sverige:
Populäritet idag
Minskar Placering på namntoppen 2008: Inte i topp 100
Antal män med namnet i Sverige: 11522
Antal kvinnor med namnet i Sverige: 6
Veckans Twilight Namn
Placering på namntoppen 2008: Inte i topp 100
Antal kvinnor med namnet i Sverige:706
Antal män med namnet i Sverige: 3
Bella betyder "vacker" på Italienska. Bella kan också komma från Isabella som i sin tur är en form av Elisabet och betyder "Gud är mined", "Gud är fullkomlighet".
Bella (Isabella) är huvudpersonen i novellen Twilight (även film) .
Burger King goesNew Moon the Movie

Burger King goes the Twilight saga, New Moon
jag skulle inte banag på att gå till Burger King för att få en Team Jacob krona, eller en Team edward ;)

Fan made New Moon video
New Moon dazzled
Jacksons nya film
Dagens Låt
Dagens Bild
Chaske Spencer talesperson för NATV
NATV’s new “Hope in Action” series kicks off with this first message for youth from Lakota Sioux actor Chaske Spencer. You will see some amazing faces coming out to support our Native youth through this series with topics that include the issues that matter: Drug and alcohol abuse, physical fitness, and sports for spirit building and to combat obesity rates and the increasing rate of type two diabetes in our youth, and so much more!
NATV’s goal is not to just to be another Network, but to help the community through content, education and outreach.

Boo Boo Stewart pratar med " Popstar "
Boo Boo stewart gav 3 video intervjuver till popstar. här är en av dom.
Klicka här för att se alla 3
Taylor och Jackson säger " Hallo " till Switzerland
Taylor " behind the scenes " på New Moon

Nya bilder på Rob ;)
BooBoos Nya Frilla! =)
Nyare New Moon posters på Edward och Jacob
New Moon Poster
Otrolight hett måste jag ju bara säga, titta hur deras händer/fingrar bara trycker hårt mot varandra ;)
Thats so making love in a vampire way ;)
Jamie Campbell Bower i Nylon Magazine =P
New Moon trailer (ish)
Intervjuv med Kiowa Gordon
'New Moon' Actor Kiowa Gordon Reveals How To Tell The Wolves Apart
'We all have our own colors,' the 'Twilight' rookie says of his wolf pack brothers.
MTV: You and the other wolves are new to the "Twilight" series. Did you look to Taylor for inspiration, since he'd already been through a movie?
Kiowa Gordon: Yeah. And he's really buff, so we look to that too. [Laughs.]
MTV: You looked to his buffness for inspiration? We've seen you guys without your shirts on, so obviously it helped.
Gordon: Yeah, well, when we showed up, they were like, "We got you a personal trainer. You guys are gonna train hard!" And so we were like, "Sweet, we get to work out!" And it was really fun.
Klicka här för att läsa hela interjuvn
Our vote for breakout beefcake is Kiowa Gordon, the Hollywood newcomer who portrays Embry Call in the upcoming films. Smart, friendly and a big fan of Stephenie Meyer's work, he's the guy who spilled the beans on the "muffin scene." Now, Gordon returns with more delicious "New Moon" details about his native heritage, tattooing the fans and how you can tell the wolves apart.

Jag vill att New Moon ska komma ut nu, tycker att jag väntat tålmodigt tillräckligt länge nu! Dom i USA kan ju redan köpa sina biljetter -.- orättvist!
Dock är det nu bara 75 dagar kvar tills new Moon har premiär LÄNGTAR :D

Twilight på Twitter

Peter Facinelli - Carlisle Cullen
Edi Gathegi - Laurent
Jamie Campell Bower - Caius
Michael Sheen - Aro
Charlie Bewley - Demitri
Rachelle Lefevre - Victoria ( I Twilight och New Moon)
Justin Cho - Eric Yorkie
Anna Kendrick - Jessica Stanley
Christian Serratos - Angela Weber
Billy Burke - Charlie Swan
Gil Bermingham - Billy Black

Topp 10 Twilight händelser

Vilken är din favorit?
Spunk Ransom Is Born
In one of his first interviews for the "Twilight" franchise, MTV News had nearly an hour alone with the soon-to-be A-lister on the set of the film. Among the many questions we brought him was: "What do you think of your nickname RPattz?" He responded in his usual charming, rambling manner, insisting that he wanted a new nickname: Spunk Ransom. The term has stuck, been officially defined, yielded some very cool "Twilight" merch and is reportedly the easiest way to get a smile out of Rob — er, Spunk — if you should ever meet him.
Don't Count Out Taylor
Barely a month after "Twilight" opened at the top of the box office, young Taylor Lautner had become the J.D. Salinger of the series — disappearing from the spotlight and leaving many to wonder whether we'd see him again. Just when the consensus among fans seemed to be that his role would be recast with a more physically impressive actor like Michael Copon, we found Taylor at a tiny red-carpet event. Noticeably larger, he revealed that he'd been working out around-the-clock, was about to meet with "New Moon" director Chris Weitz and vowed to return as Jacob. Finally, "Twilight" Nation could breath a sigh of relief.
Kristen's Near-Death Experience
We all know that Kristen Stewart is a great dramatic actress, but when she said that filming the next film "killed me," that took it to a whole new level. As KStew's quotes rocketed around the Web, Twilighters became even more eager to see her "New Moon" performance.
Fach's Bikini Incident Peter Facinelli. A one-of-a-kind Twitter bet. A grown man in a bikini dancing down Hollywood Boulevard. Need we say more?
Catherine's Pimp Pad
Who else but MTV could get exclusive access to Catherine Hardwicke's house/office, the place where the "Twilight" movie phenomenon began? The affable director generously opened her home and gave us a tour of the backyard where Lautner auditioned, the dining room where KStew read her lines — and the bed where she and RPattz first kissed.
The RPattz Surprise In May 2008, we held a contest and landed "Twilight" fan Laura Culpepper as our guest correspondent. But what she didn't know is that we had arranged for Rob himself to tiptoe in behind Laura while she recorded an on-camera segment and give her a sneak peek at "Twilight." Without a doubt, this is one of the most memorable pieces of video in all the "Twilight" fandom, revealing Rob's fun side.
Name Those Fans Once upon a time, an epic battle raged between Twilighters and Twi-Hards over which was the proper name for the fanbase. Since we're peacemakers as well as journalists, we held an epic poll to settle the matter once and for all. Rob, Kristen and the other stars of the series announced the results — and it's been Twilighters ever since.
A Special Spoilers Evening To celebrate the conclusion of all those very special Twilight Tuesdays, MTV gave a few hundred Twilighters the chance to attend a taping of our movie special "Spoilers." All the stars were there, it was a night to remember, and the show continues on as the renamed "Behind the Screen," which airs Friday and focuses on films such as "Jennifer's Body."
RPattz Needs Undies Last November, we reunited Rob and Laura for a revealing interview that may have been, well, a bit too revealing. Ever wonder about Rob's toenails, his parking-ticket troubles or his underwear? Well, then, you need to watch this.
100 Monkeys Hit MTV As his fans know, the only thing more fun than watching Jackson Rathbone act may be seeing him in concert. Which is why we were eager to go backstage and onstage to watch his band 100 Monkeys perform at a club in Hollywood. Since then, we've caught the band again at TwiCon and spoke to him recently about the Monkeys' plans to score his new movie. Rock on, Jackson!
I must say, the creation of Spunk Ransom was pretty epic but there are so many other moments - Spider Monkey, Rob's abs, Taylor's abs, Kristen's HAIR - what are your Top Twilight Moments?


Han kanske kan komma och ge oss mun mot mun metoden? :P

New Moon trailer
här är den i alla fall, LOVE IT!