BooBoo goes Mini Taylor "photoshot"
Peter Facinelli Intervju med Vanity Fair
Has there been a difference in the way you interact as a cast since you filmed Twilight?
Rob[ert Pattinson] has more security guards hanging around him! [Laughs] Other than that, not really. We really enjoy each other’s company, and we’ve been working so much on this movie that we really haven’t had as much time to hang out with each other. We’re putting in these long hours and then just heading home. Usually we just try to catch dinner with each other then get back up the next morning and do it all over again.
Have any of your daughters seen Twilight?
All three of them have seen it! They’re ages twelve, six, and three. They love it. The 12-year-old has read the first two books, so she loves the movie. My 6-year-old loves it even more; she wants to watch it all the time! Now the 3-year-old, because the 6 year-old likes it, wants to watch it all the time, too. I asked her what she liked about it and she said, “I like the scary parts.”
Have they met the cast? Did they get excited?
My kids are pretty unaffected. They don’t get too star-struck. To them it’s just “Dad’s friends,” which is kind of nice.
Speaking of family, will you please give me one word to describe each of the Cullen clan actors starting with Kellan Lutz?
Ok. [Laughs] Goofy!
Nikki Reed:
Jackson Rathbone:
Kristen Stewart:
Elizabeth Reaser:
Ashley Greene:
Pixie-ish, she’s like a fairy—she’s so light on her feet. Bubbly, that’s the word.
Rob Pattinson:
Mmm, Rob. Rob’s a good one. It’s hard to narrow down to one. So many words come to mind! Brooding, tortured … but he’s a good kid. What’s the word for a solidly good guy?
Solid. He is. He’s solid.
Finally, what your word of the day?
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Ashley Photoshot a´la 70 Glam
VF shoot 1 timme! :D
Nya och Gammla super heta Ashley foton

Nya / Gammla bilder på Kellan
Nya Vamptastic Alex bilder... Nej - ÄRLIGT!
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Creation Entertainment announces:
Join the celebration and make your plans now to visit one or more of The Official TWILIGHT Convention Tour stops! With great guest celebrities, exclusive presentations, raise the roof parties, musical performances, trivia, costume and centerpiece contests, auctions, autographs, photo opportunities, Twilight Lexicon and TwilightMOMS panels, cool vendors with hot licensed merchandise, ultra-exciting surprises, and tons of fellow fans from around the globe: The Tour is THE place to be for Twilight fans!
Ny otroligt vacker photoshoot med Ashley
Ashley phootoshoot
Nikki Reeds Playlist :D
Nikki's playlist:
1. Love and Happiness - Al Green
2. The House That Jack Built - Aretha Franklin
3. The Woman in You - Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals
4. Brooklyn Zoo - Wu-Tang Clan
5. Brown Trout Blues - Johnny Flynn
6. Top Yourself - The Racounteurs
7. There’s Gotta Be a Change - Jonny Lang
8. Shine - Laura Marling
9. It Makes No Difference - The Band
10. You Got Me - The Roots & Eryka Badu
11. Change - Tracy Chapman
12. Jehovah Made This Whole Joint for You - New Radicals
13. Zealots - Fugees
Derför valde hon dessa låtar:
“Love and Happiness” (Track 1): “I felt like this song would set the tone. Love and happiness are the two most indefinable emotions, but I think Mr. Green did a pretty good job.
“The House That Jack Built” (Track 2): “This reminds me of my first apartment. I used to blast Aretha while vacuuming. I want Jack to build me a house.”
“The Woman In You” (Track 3): “I literally cried the first time I heard Ben Harper sing.”
“Brooklyn Zoo” (Track 4): “I grew up listening to rap/hip hop. It wasn’t until recently that I was even aware, let alone had an appreciation for other kinds of music. Wu Tang, Biggie, Nas, Tupac, you guys all have a special place in my heart.”
“Brown Trout Blues” (Track 5): “Johnny is a friend of a friend. I saw him play live, and it was an indescribable experience. Music like this just isn’t made by people in my generation anymore.”
“Top Yourself” (Track 6): “I just recently fell in love with Jack White. He doesn’t know it yet. I met him not too long ago at a show. All I said was “hi”, and then I hid in a corner.”
“There’s Gotta Be a Change” (Track 7): “I’m mixing blues with politics. Lets make it happen people.”
“Shine” (Track 8): “I wanted to put “The Man sings” but iTunes doesn’t have it. It’s “that song” that I used to play at maximum volume in my car over and over again. There was a time when I felt a deep connection with those lyrics. Now I just laugh when I hear it. All of her songs are amazing. I’m her biggest fan.”
“It Makes No Difference” (Track 9): “A song like this is useful every once in a while. So is a good cry.”
“You Got Me” (Track 10): “I don’t know why I love this song so much, but a friend of mine says is reminds her of the time we spent together in Russia.”
“Change” (Track 11): “My mom used to play Tracy Chapman in the car, driving around the block for 30 min when I was a restless little kid. It relaxes me, it reminds me of my childhood.”
“Jehovah Made This Whole Joint For You” (Track 12): “I tried to cover this song with my friend Sage. We recorded it on Garageband. To this day we still laugh even at the thought. I love it, but i’ll never attempt to sing it again.”
“Zealots” (Track 13): “I’ve probably gone through five copies of this CD. It’s just a classic one. Also, there was a time when I literally thought I was Lauryn Hill’s long lost identical twin. (No you can’t see any photos).”
De låtar som fans med men inte hade någon förklaring:
1.. You’ve Got a Friend - James Taylor
2.. Madame Joy - The Black Keys

Kellan i August Magazine ;)
Ashley Green på framsidan av Saturdag Night Magazine :D
Could you tell us about the new Twilight movie, New Moon?
It was fun for me because it was a little more in-depth for Alice’s character. It’s more about the angst part of it than the love story as far as Edward and Bella. Edward leaves Bella, so she kind of falls into a depression and gets close to Jacob, and discovers a couple more crazy things about the town. We had a blast filming. We got to go to Italy, which was amazing. It was a couple of us who got to go to Italy, and I was included. It was coming back to the people we got really close to in the movie before so it was like a little reunion. And Chris Weitz directed it, and he was incredible. I feel like the set was so chill and really comfortable, and it seemed like it was all very planned out and very put together so we weren’t going crazy and stressing out. I’m excited to see it all put together. I’m really confident that it will be good.
What was it like reuniting with the Twilight cast again?
Coming back to the second one was really great because we already had this relationship so we got to build on top of that. I feel like I was really close with a couple of people and then on the second one, I got close with a couple of different people, so it’s been really fun.
What was the process of being cast for the role of Alice? Were you familiar with the book series beforehand?
It was a really long, tedious process. I hadn’t read the books, but I read them because they wouldn’t release the script or breakdown. My manager told me to go into the audition and to do a good job and not to mess up because the casting directors were sticklers. So, I was like, “How am I supposed to do a good job? I don’t even know what I’m supposed to be playing!” I originally auditioned for Bella, and so I read the first book and kind of fell in love with it. I went in and auditioned and actually they called me back in and said, “No, you’re not right for Bella,” so I was bummed, and then they brought me back for Alice. I worked more on it – that was all I did for a couple of days before I went in. I came in probably like five times before I actually got the role – and then I went home for Christmas and literally just had to wait and wait. I thought that I didn’t get it again, and then I got the call that I was Alice and I freaked out and called my dad and mom.
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Intervju med Xavier Samuel
Question: Do you have any kind of relationship with Kristen's Bella? I mean, is there a bond of some kind that exists?
Samuel: That's a tricky question to answer, without giving away the plot.
Question: There might be, or there might not be?
Samuel: That's a valid statement. How am I doing evading it?
Question: You're doing very well. David Slade is the third director associated with the franchise.
Samuel: Yeah, David's astonishing.
Question: Now I was wondering whether or not he brings that kind of raw sensibility to this particular interpretation of Twilight.
Samuel: Well, he's such an intelligent, very down-to-earth director. And from what I can gather, the way that he's approaching shooting the film is quite different to the previous two.
Question: Now, is your character in any other books?
Samuel: In Eclipse. Yeah.
Question: Are you prepared for the female adulation that will result from this gig?
Samuel: [LAUGHTER] Look, I don't know how you prepare for something like that. I bet you just sort of take it in stride, and try to manage to lead a reasonably normal life, even if people are following you around while you're getting your coffee.
Läs mer här.
Billy Burk i Forks polis station
Charlie Bewley biter ett fan
Nya bilder på Kristen och Taylor
Dom är ju bara för underbart söta tillsammans!

Vma bilder :)
Bli inte lurade!
Jag hittade det här hos TwiFans. Det påstås här att Kristen och Rob är ett par, för att man kan se deras kemi tillsammans nu till skillnad ifrån förr...
Jag skulle först vilja påpeka att den högra bilden är photoshoppad (orginalet är under), sen tror jag att fallet är att Rob böjer ner huvudet lite för att höra vad Kristen säger.... Vad tror ni?
Par eller ej?