New Moon trailer a´la Sims stil
OMG den är skrämande lik orginalet :O
BooBoo goes Mini Taylor "photoshot"
Reklam för Twilight/New Moon? Nope... :S
Peter Facinelli Intervju med Vanity Fair
Has there been a difference in the way you interact as a cast since you filmed Twilight?
Rob[ert Pattinson] has more security guards hanging around him! [Laughs] Other than that, not really. We really enjoy each other’s company, and we’ve been working so much on this movie that we really haven’t had as much time to hang out with each other. We’re putting in these long hours and then just heading home. Usually we just try to catch dinner with each other then get back up the next morning and do it all over again.
Have any of your daughters seen Twilight?
All three of them have seen it! They’re ages twelve, six, and three. They love it. The 12-year-old has read the first two books, so she loves the movie. My 6-year-old loves it even more; she wants to watch it all the time! Now the 3-year-old, because the 6 year-old likes it, wants to watch it all the time, too. I asked her what she liked about it and she said, “I like the scary parts.”
Have they met the cast? Did they get excited?
My kids are pretty unaffected. They don’t get too star-struck. To them it’s just “Dad’s friends,” which is kind of nice.
Speaking of family, will you please give me one word to describe each of the Cullen clan actors starting with Kellan Lutz?
Ok. [Laughs] Goofy!
Nikki Reed:
Jackson Rathbone:
Kristen Stewart:
Elizabeth Reaser:
Ashley Greene:
Pixie-ish, she’s like a fairy—she’s so light on her feet. Bubbly, that’s the word.
Rob Pattinson:
Mmm, Rob. Rob’s a good one. It’s hard to narrow down to one. So many words come to mind! Brooding, tortured … but he’s a good kid. What’s the word for a solidly good guy?
Solid. He is. He’s solid.
Finally, what your word of the day?
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Ashley Photoshot a´la 70 Glam
Dagens Låt
Dagens Bild
How To Make a WolfPack ;)
Extended kiss scen
Bow chica wa WOW
KStew Out - Takes från Nylon Magazine
Det är helt sjukt, jag var och handlade present till min kusin när hon fyllde år och fastnade vid tidningshyllan. Där fanns TeenVOUGE och jag va seriöst nära på att köpa tidningen bara för att Taylor var på bilden :P Det är då man ska börja bli orolig :P
OHH, Ni måste ju hålla med om att den här bilden är helt sjukt sexig, precis som ur en fantasi... ;)
Rob på trosorna?
Nya KStew Dazed & Confused Out - Takes
Hon är så OTROLIGT vacker!
"Fight scen"

Om du inte har sett den, en av de nyaste klipp för The Twilight Saga: New Moon innebär en mycket brutal, ansikte-cracking slagsmålsscen mellan Felix (Daniel Cudmore) och Edward (Robert Pattinson).
Nyligen intervjuades Cudmore av FoForks, en brasiliansk Twilight serie fansite, och han fick chansen att diskutera detta mycket slagsmålsscen.
- Det var en rolig kamp scen att arbeta på och Robert gillade verkligen att gör så mycket med kampen som han kunde, jag sov som ett barn efteråt. Vi får se hur alla känner sig efter att filmen kommer ut, och om de inte tycker om min karaktär, så jag gjorde ett bra jobb.
Som ni vet är Felix karaktär lite flirtig med Bella i New Moon, men han börjar definitivt inte en fysisk konfrontation i boken (men istället lämnarhan åt Jane att plåga (Dakota Fanning i filmen).
Enligt The Twilight Saga: New Moon: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion var dock tanken på att Felix slåss Edvard var lite inspirerad av Stephenie Meyer själv. Detta kommer från Melissa Rosenberg, The Twilight Saga: New Moon's manusförfattare.
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The host
Fanmade bild
Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series books (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn) aren't her only best-sellers - as you well know. Her book, The Host, also claimed top marks on the charts (and for good reason).
The Host follows the ninth life of "Wanderer," a "soul," who makes her way to Earth for the first time as a human being. Her host body, though, becomes a strange thing for Wanderer because the human soul of Melanie, the body, refuses to disappear and make way for her own cognitive control.
In September, the news came out that this book was, like most of Meyer's other books, going to be made into a film. After the initial reports, Meyer expressed an interest in what fans would have to say about potential castmates for the future film. Despite the unending excitement going on in the Twilight film series world, many fans have been putting together their own set of suggestions for that very thing.
The characters which are most ardently discussed by fan-casters are, naturally, Melanie, Jared, Jamie, Jeb, and Ian.
Actors thrown into the hat of suggestions for the character Melanie are (and this is not an exhaustive list, of course) Sophia Bush, Megan Fox, Camilla Belle, Olivia Wilde, Summer Glau, Milla Jovovich, Natalie Portman, Amanda Peet, Evangeline Lilly, Rose Byrne, Eliza Dushku, and Jodi Gordon. A common trait amongst some of these women is the sense of strength and toughness that Melanie Stryder embodies in the book.
For Jared, the consensus is pretty strong amongst the fans that Jensen Ackles should play the part, but other suggestions also linger such as James McAvoy, Jesse Metcalf, Benjamin McKenzie, Jared Padalecki, Hugh Jackman, Chris Pine, Matt Damon, and Chris Evans (with a few Gerard Butler and Jeffrey Dean Morgan pluggers along the way). The thing about the character Jared is that he has to be fierce and ruthless at times, but he has to also be a softy deep down.
With Jamie, the casting is especially fun because he is a character that is young, curious, tolerant, independent, and exceptionally wise and kind. He is also the character that Melanie (and by association Wanderer - "Wanda," by then) has the deepest affection for. Some suggestions have included Logan Lerman, Josh Hutchenson, Allan Hyde, and Justin Bieber.