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Jag tycker inte den är så snygg, men men , jag kanske ändrar mig med tiden :P
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Kristen, Gil och Taylor på inspelningen av Eclipse
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Lexicon staff:
“There are pictures of Robert Pattinson standing in front of a Black Volvo. Is that Edward’s car or is it a background vehicle? If it is Edward’s car, will it be recolored in post production? For most fans, making Edward’s Volvo anything but silver is kind of like deciding that the Batmobile is purple ”
Summit Answer:
“Edward is driving the exact same car he drove in NEW MOON.”
Topp 10 Twilight händelser

Vilken är din favorit?
Spunk Ransom Is Born
In one of his first interviews for the "Twilight" franchise, MTV News had nearly an hour alone with the soon-to-be A-lister on the set of the film. Among the many questions we brought him was: "What do you think of your nickname RPattz?" He responded in his usual charming, rambling manner, insisting that he wanted a new nickname: Spunk Ransom. The term has stuck, been officially defined, yielded some very cool "Twilight" merch and is reportedly the easiest way to get a smile out of Rob — er, Spunk — if you should ever meet him.
Don't Count Out Taylor
Barely a month after "Twilight" opened at the top of the box office, young Taylor Lautner had become the J.D. Salinger of the series — disappearing from the spotlight and leaving many to wonder whether we'd see him again. Just when the consensus among fans seemed to be that his role would be recast with a more physically impressive actor like Michael Copon, we found Taylor at a tiny red-carpet event. Noticeably larger, he revealed that he'd been working out around-the-clock, was about to meet with "New Moon" director Chris Weitz and vowed to return as Jacob. Finally, "Twilight" Nation could breath a sigh of relief.
Kristen's Near-Death Experience
We all know that Kristen Stewart is a great dramatic actress, but when she said that filming the next film "killed me," that took it to a whole new level. As KStew's quotes rocketed around the Web, Twilighters became even more eager to see her "New Moon" performance.
Fach's Bikini Incident Peter Facinelli. A one-of-a-kind Twitter bet. A grown man in a bikini dancing down Hollywood Boulevard. Need we say more?
Catherine's Pimp Pad
Who else but MTV could get exclusive access to Catherine Hardwicke's house/office, the place where the "Twilight" movie phenomenon began? The affable director generously opened her home and gave us a tour of the backyard where Lautner auditioned, the dining room where KStew read her lines — and the bed where she and RPattz first kissed.
The RPattz Surprise In May 2008, we held a contest and landed "Twilight" fan Laura Culpepper as our guest correspondent. But what she didn't know is that we had arranged for Rob himself to tiptoe in behind Laura while she recorded an on-camera segment and give her a sneak peek at "Twilight." Without a doubt, this is one of the most memorable pieces of video in all the "Twilight" fandom, revealing Rob's fun side.
Name Those Fans Once upon a time, an epic battle raged between Twilighters and Twi-Hards over which was the proper name for the fanbase. Since we're peacemakers as well as journalists, we held an epic poll to settle the matter once and for all. Rob, Kristen and the other stars of the series announced the results — and it's been Twilighters ever since.
A Special Spoilers Evening To celebrate the conclusion of all those very special Twilight Tuesdays, MTV gave a few hundred Twilighters the chance to attend a taping of our movie special "Spoilers." All the stars were there, it was a night to remember, and the show continues on as the renamed "Behind the Screen," which airs Friday and focuses on films such as "Jennifer's Body."
RPattz Needs Undies Last November, we reunited Rob and Laura for a revealing interview that may have been, well, a bit too revealing. Ever wonder about Rob's toenails, his parking-ticket troubles or his underwear? Well, then, you need to watch this.
100 Monkeys Hit MTV As his fans know, the only thing more fun than watching Jackson Rathbone act may be seeing him in concert. Which is why we were eager to go backstage and onstage to watch his band 100 Monkeys perform at a club in Hollywood. Since then, we've caught the band again at TwiCon and spoke to him recently about the Monkeys' plans to score his new movie. Rock on, Jackson!
I must say, the creation of Spunk Ransom was pretty epic but there are so many other moments - Spider Monkey, Rob's abs, Taylor's abs, Kristen's HAIR - what are your Top Twilight Moments?


Han kanske kan komma och ge oss mun mot mun metoden? :P

Eclipse cast list
Läs hela på summits hemsida.
Man känner hur allt närmar sig nu Att dom börjat med Eclipse gör att New Moon nu Känns närnare. SNART KOMMER DEN
92 dagar kvar
Vancouver, BC ? August 18, 2009 ? Summit Entertainment announced today that it has commenced principal photography on THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE directed by David Slade (30 DAYS OF NIGHT, HARD CANDY) from a screenplay by Melissa Rosenberg. Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner will reprise their roles as Bella Swan, Edward Cullen and Jacob Black. The third film in the studio's TWILIGHT film franchise based on Stephenie Meyer's blockbuster book series, will be released theatrically in North America on Wednesday, June 30, 2010.
Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan
Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen
Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black
Cullen Family
Ashley Greene as Alice Cullen
Peter Facinelli as Dr. Carlisle
Elizabeth Reaser as Esme Cullen
Kellan Lutz as Emmett Cullen
Nikki Reed as Rosalie Hale
Jackson Rathbone as Jasper Hale
Wolf Pack
Chaske Spencer as Sam Uley
Bronson Pelletier as Jared
Alex Meraz as Paul
Kiowa Gordon as Embry Call
Tyson Houseman as Quil Ateara
Other Quileutes
Gil Birmingham as Billy Black
Tinsel Korey as Emily
Nomad Vampires
Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria
Cameron Bright as Alec
Charlie Bewley as Demetri
Daniel Cudmore as Felix
Dakota Fanning as Jane
Additional Returning Cast Members
Billy Burke as Charlie Swan
Sarah Clarke as Renee Dwyer
Anna Kendrick as Jessica
Michael Welch as Mike
Christian Serratos as Angela
Justin Chon as Eric
New Cast Members
Xavier Samuel as Riley
Catalina Sandino Moreno as Maria
Jack Huston as Royce King
Julia Jones as Leah Clearwater
Booboo Stewart as Seth Clearwater
Jodelle Ferland as Bree
Kelly Clarkson <3 Robert Pattinson

New Moon trailer
Är den inte helt sjukt bra? Jag tycker i alal fall det :P
Jag klarar snart inte av att vänta längre tills det är den 20 November :P

youtub klipp! (spoiler)
Den är helt klart värd att kolla på
Så vad tyckte ni? Riktigt bra gjort ellerhur :P

"New Moon Trailer på Franska"
Men nu är den här :D titta på den så länge det går :D

Dagens låt :D
Apologize - One Republic

Dagens Bild :D
Jack Huston som Royce King II?
Enligt The Hollywood Reporter, Filmen Eclipse Kommer att få en ny medlem. Denna gång är det. Jack Huston. Han ska spela rollen som Royce King II.
Klicka här för att läsa mer

Så vad tycker ni?
Passar han som Rosalies "mänskliga" fästman?

Återvänder till Vancouver :)
Taylor Lautner and Kellan Lutz arrived back from LA to Vancouver last night to resume preparation on Eclipse.
How famous is Taylor these days?
The fans only wanted his autograph and Kellan, for the most part, was pretty much left alone.
For Taylor, with his new status, seems to come along a new, rather studied, gait. Seems like he?s strutting, non? Strutting in those hick style shoes. Whoever keeps telling him those are working is not his friend. Poor thing. It?s like he?s trying awfully hard right now.
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