New Moon trailer a´la Sims stil
OMG den är skrämande lik orginalet :O
BooBoo goes Mini Taylor "photoshot"
Reklam för Twilight/New Moon? Nope... :S
Peter Facinelli Intervju med Vanity Fair
Has there been a difference in the way you interact as a cast since you filmed Twilight?
Rob[ert Pattinson] has more security guards hanging around him! [Laughs] Other than that, not really. We really enjoy each other’s company, and we’ve been working so much on this movie that we really haven’t had as much time to hang out with each other. We’re putting in these long hours and then just heading home. Usually we just try to catch dinner with each other then get back up the next morning and do it all over again.
Have any of your daughters seen Twilight?
All three of them have seen it! They’re ages twelve, six, and three. They love it. The 12-year-old has read the first two books, so she loves the movie. My 6-year-old loves it even more; she wants to watch it all the time! Now the 3-year-old, because the 6 year-old likes it, wants to watch it all the time, too. I asked her what she liked about it and she said, “I like the scary parts.”
Have they met the cast? Did they get excited?
My kids are pretty unaffected. They don’t get too star-struck. To them it’s just “Dad’s friends,” which is kind of nice.
Speaking of family, will you please give me one word to describe each of the Cullen clan actors starting with Kellan Lutz?
Ok. [Laughs] Goofy!
Nikki Reed:
Jackson Rathbone:
Kristen Stewart:
Elizabeth Reaser:
Ashley Greene:
Pixie-ish, she’s like a fairy—she’s so light on her feet. Bubbly, that’s the word.
Rob Pattinson:
Mmm, Rob. Rob’s a good one. It’s hard to narrow down to one. So many words come to mind! Brooding, tortured … but he’s a good kid. What’s the word for a solidly good guy?
Solid. He is. He’s solid.
Finally, what your word of the day?
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Ashley Photoshot a´la 70 Glam
Dagens Låt
Dagens Bild
How To Make a WolfPack ;)
Extended kiss scen
Bow chica wa WOW
KStew Out - Takes från Nylon Magazine
Det är helt sjukt, jag var och handlade present till min kusin när hon fyllde år och fastnade vid tidningshyllan. Där fanns TeenVOUGE och jag va seriöst nära på att köpa tidningen bara för att Taylor var på bilden :P Det är då man ska börja bli orolig :P
OHH, Ni måste ju hålla med om att den här bilden är helt sjukt sexig, precis som ur en fantasi... ;)
Rob på trosorna?
Nya KStew Dazed & Confused Out - Takes
Hon är så OTROLIGT vacker!
"Fight scen"

Om du inte har sett den, en av de nyaste klipp för The Twilight Saga: New Moon innebär en mycket brutal, ansikte-cracking slagsmålsscen mellan Felix (Daniel Cudmore) och Edward (Robert Pattinson).
Nyligen intervjuades Cudmore av FoForks, en brasiliansk Twilight serie fansite, och han fick chansen att diskutera detta mycket slagsmålsscen.
- Det var en rolig kamp scen att arbeta på och Robert gillade verkligen att gör så mycket med kampen som han kunde, jag sov som ett barn efteråt. Vi får se hur alla känner sig efter att filmen kommer ut, och om de inte tycker om min karaktär, så jag gjorde ett bra jobb.
Som ni vet är Felix karaktär lite flirtig med Bella i New Moon, men han börjar definitivt inte en fysisk konfrontation i boken (men istället lämnarhan åt Jane att plåga (Dakota Fanning i filmen).
Enligt The Twilight Saga: New Moon: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion var dock tanken på att Felix slåss Edvard var lite inspirerad av Stephenie Meyer själv. Detta kommer från Melissa Rosenberg, The Twilight Saga: New Moon's manusförfattare.
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The host
Fanmade bild
Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series books (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn) aren't her only best-sellers - as you well know. Her book, The Host, also claimed top marks on the charts (and for good reason).
The Host follows the ninth life of "Wanderer," a "soul," who makes her way to Earth for the first time as a human being. Her host body, though, becomes a strange thing for Wanderer because the human soul of Melanie, the body, refuses to disappear and make way for her own cognitive control.
In September, the news came out that this book was, like most of Meyer's other books, going to be made into a film. After the initial reports, Meyer expressed an interest in what fans would have to say about potential castmates for the future film. Despite the unending excitement going on in the Twilight film series world, many fans have been putting together their own set of suggestions for that very thing.
The characters which are most ardently discussed by fan-casters are, naturally, Melanie, Jared, Jamie, Jeb, and Ian.
Actors thrown into the hat of suggestions for the character Melanie are (and this is not an exhaustive list, of course) Sophia Bush, Megan Fox, Camilla Belle, Olivia Wilde, Summer Glau, Milla Jovovich, Natalie Portman, Amanda Peet, Evangeline Lilly, Rose Byrne, Eliza Dushku, and Jodi Gordon. A common trait amongst some of these women is the sense of strength and toughness that Melanie Stryder embodies in the book.
For Jared, the consensus is pretty strong amongst the fans that Jensen Ackles should play the part, but other suggestions also linger such as James McAvoy, Jesse Metcalf, Benjamin McKenzie, Jared Padalecki, Hugh Jackman, Chris Pine, Matt Damon, and Chris Evans (with a few Gerard Butler and Jeffrey Dean Morgan pluggers along the way). The thing about the character Jared is that he has to be fierce and ruthless at times, but he has to also be a softy deep down.
With Jamie, the casting is especially fun because he is a character that is young, curious, tolerant, independent, and exceptionally wise and kind. He is also the character that Melanie (and by association Wanderer - "Wanda," by then) has the deepest affection for. Some suggestions have included Logan Lerman, Josh Hutchenson, Allan Hyde, and Justin Bieber.
Jag måste säga, Förlåt Taylor, du är världens Vackraste, men vad gick snett?? okej, på den understa bilden ser det helt okej ut, men på den övre... Hjärtat vad tänkte du på när du satte på dig sen där kepsen sådär? sen vet jag ej hur jag ska relatera till solglasögonen, om det bara är kepsen och det gör att allt ser "bajs" ut eller om solglasögonen hjälper till lite där. Baby, jag kan vara din personliga Staylist, eller kommer jag kanske inte klä på han alls då :S vem vet ;)
Någon som håller med? :P
Taylor i Ravista
Han är så jävla HET!! det är helt sjukt, det borde fan inte vara lagligt ;) Klicka på bilderna på att se dom i större format. Om du klarar det utan att svimma, det var på gränser för mig, tro mig ;)
Nya bilder på Rob?
Eclipse Banner
Jag tycker inte den är så snygg, men men , jag kanske ändrar mig med tiden :P
TwiCast turne

THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON cast tour will visit the following mall locations:
November 6 – Hollywood & Highland Center (Los Angeles, CA) *
November 8 – Park Meadows (Denver, CO)
November 9 – Natick Collection (Boston, MA) *
November 9 –Mall Location TBD – Check for update (Chicago, IL) *
November 9 – Fair Oaks Mall (Washington, DC)
November 10 – Houston Galleria (Houston, TX)
November 11 – Mall of America (Minneapolis, MN) *
November 11 – Cherry Hill Mall (Philadelphia, PA) *
November 11 – Stonestown Galleria (San Francisco, CA)
November 12 – Mall of Georgia (Atlanta, GA)
November 12 – Westfield Southcenter (Seattle, WA) *
November 13 – Dadeland Mall (Miami, FL)
November 13 – Scottsdale Fashion Square (Phoenix, AZ)
November 14 – Fashion Place (Salt Lake City, UT) *
November 19 - Times Square (New York, NY)
Någon stans där skulle det stå Taylor besöker Lisa men dom har visst missat det :S
New Moon bilder
VF shoot 1 timme! :D
Full New Moon sneek peek
Boooom :D hahah, älskar det här :P
Men ni får denna låt att lyssna på, jag smälter!!!
Nya och Gammla super heta Ashley foton

Taylor, Teen Vogue out-takes
KStew fotografering

Redå för en haloween i Twianda :P

Här kan du se hur du kan pimpa upp dina pumpor ;)
Robs hår genom tiderna
Så söt han va även när han va liten :P
Fransk tidning om New Moon ( scans )
New Moon bilder :D
Klicka för större ! :D
Lever du? jag gör det knappt, är så otroligt glad just nu :) Man bara känner hur det närmar sig :D
"The Vampire Diaries' takes a bite at 'Twilight' and Edward Cullen"
As promised by The Vampire Diaries producer Kevin Williamson, Twilight became an integrated pun in last night's episode (the fourth) of the show.
Previously, Williamson had stated that the sparkly vampires aspect of Twilight would come into play between two of the characters (see here), and he had also indicated in another interview that Ian Somerhalder's character Damon would be poking at the Twilight lore and mythological aspects as well.
In last night's exchange between Somerhalder's character (Damon) and that of Candice Accola (Caroline), both of those puns were incorporated into one conversation.
A transcript of the exchange is as follows:
Damon: What’s so special about this Bella girl? Edward’s so whipped.
Caroline: You gotta read the first book first … won’t make sense if you don’t.
Damon: [Sigh] I miss Anne Rice. She was so on it.
Caroline: How come you don’t sparkle?
Damon: Cause I live in the real world where vampires burn in the sun.
Caroline: Yeah, but you go in the sun.
Damon: I have a ring. It protect me. Long story.
Caroline: Will these bites turn me into a vampire?
Damon: It’s more complicated than that. Yeah, you’d have to feed on my blood, then die, then feed on a human … it’s a whole ordeal. This book, by the way, has it all wrong.
Klicka för större!
OMG jag har inte tänkt på detta förut, men jacob gör handen på Bella!! för er som inte förstår vad jag menar med handen så.. När en kille sätter händen försiktigt på ens kind när han ska kyssa en, åhhhh det är det bästa för man känner sig speciell :P
Han får göra handen på min anytime ;)
KStew fotografering "Behind the scens"
KStew i Adventureland

Hur jävla söt är inte denna bild?!
Scott Feinberg från And The Winner Is - en av branschens bästa film kritiker och tilldelning analytiker från Los Angeles Times - har placerats Kristen resultat i Adventureland längs sidan med Meryl Streep som en av de bästa presterande år 2009!
My favorite ledande föreställningar av 2009, hittills:
- Carey Mulligan (“An Education”)
- Meryl Streep (“Julie & Julia”)
- Kristen Stewart (“Adventureland”)
- Viggo Mortensen (“The Road”)
- Michael Caine (“Is Anybody There?”)
- Clive Owen (“The Boys Are Back”)
- Michelle Monaghan (“Trucker”)
- Zooey Deschanel (“500 Days of Summer”)
- Jeremy Renner (“The Hurt Locker”)
- Sasha Grey (“The Girlfriend Experience”)
- Sacha Baron Cohen (“Bruno”)
- Amy Adams (“Sunshine Cleaning”)
- Liam Neeson (“Taken”)
Dagens låt
Dagens Bild/er

OK Go om New Moon soundrack
Buzznet pratade med OK Go om deras sång på the New Moon soundtrack - här är en bit:
Buzznet: What is the inspiration behind "Shooting The Moon" on the New Moon soundtrack?Damian: The song is about an astronaut involved in a conspiracy. I am not personally a doubter re: the US moon landing, but the story fascinates me. The story, that is, that would be, were the conspiracy theory true. One of the most iconic heros of all time would have to live with the guilt. He'd have to keep such a heavy, terrible secret: that this huge historical watershed was a cynical lie. As the basis of a song, it let me get at a feeling that I otherwise have a hard time describing, the feeling of dread and conviction at the same time. Of wanting to say it's going to be OK, when in fact it probably isn't. It's a feeling I have a lot. The hero knows the only way to make things better in the long run is to unleash this awful truth which is going to break everyone's heart.Buzznet: Did you create this song with the intention of having it on the New Moon soundtrack? Was "Shooting The Moon" recorded at the same time that you recorded your songs on your upcoming album?Damian: It was recorded along with the songs on our new album, but it was a perfect fit for New Moon. Our record's already nearly an hour long, so we could afford it let this one go on to greener pastures. Which is no euphemism. The song is in such great company on this soundtrack that it's probably happier in its new home.Buzznet: What is your favorite song off of the original Twilight Soundtrack?Damian: I like the Iron and Wine song a lot.Buzznet: If you were to have to choose 1 OK Go song to "set the mood" for Bella and Edward, what song would you play?Damian: Hmm. I'm gonna give a few answers. Sorta depends on their mood. They're both earnest types, so perhaps the super-honest love song is the way to go. There's one on our new album called Last Leaf, in which I tell the woman I love that I will wait for her forever, which, sentiment-wise, seems pretty on-the-nose for B&E. But whether it'd get them feeling randy, I don't know. There's a dancier love song called "I Want You So Bad I Can't Breathe," and again, bingo, right? Or do vampires breathe? To me, the sexiest song on the record is this one that we've already released online called "Skyscrapers." But I have sorta different parameters for sexy than most folks; it's probably only advisable as an aphrodisiac for the slow-jam inclined.
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Nya / Gammla bilder på Kellan
Riktigt HETA omgjorda bilder på Kristen och Rob " Bella & Edward"
Grrrrrr ;) HOT HOT
Nya Vamptastic Alex bilder... Nej - ÄRLIGT!
Rob i GQ Style
Rob i Joy magazine
Läs hela den översatta här
Speaking of passion and music, we know you write songs. What can you share about it?
I’m trying to write some songs for the next movie. I don’t know if it will be possible because of my schedule, but I want to do it. Music is the other side of me, it’s one of the things that complete me and I wouldn’t want to leave it aside for anything in the world. I have the intention of evolving in that aspect. It’s something I want to develop just as much as acting. I want to have a balance between those two things.
Emilys ärr
Vad tycker ni? har dom gjort det bra eller dåligt?
Två Nya helkroppsbilder
Hittade dessa bilder på Twifans ;)
"Bakom" Kristens fotogrefering :D
Bilder från inspelningen
Kristen Stewart intervju + bilder :D
HOPPER: Okay, her name is Galen. [hands phone]
STEWART: Hi! How are you?
GALEN: Good.
STEWART: It’s really nice to meet you, Galen. [pause] Hello?
HOPPER: [takes phone] She’s so excited.
STEWART: Wow, that made me so nervous!
HOPPER: It made you nervous?
STEWART: Yeah. I’m just sort of intimidated by kids. I didn’t know what to say.
HOPPER: Well, thank you for doing that. So how are you doing?
STEWART: I’m pretty good. I’m not very good at interviews, but this is a trip. Why in god’s name did you want to do this? You have no idea how cool this is for me.
HOPPER: Well, you’re a really good actress. And my daughter is your biggest fan, so I thought, What the hell? [laughs] I usually don’t do this, either. But you must be going through a lot right now, the way Twilight is hitting. You must have no peace at all.
STEWART: The sad thing is that I feel so boring because Twilight is literally how every conversation I have these days begins—whether it’s someone I’m meeting for the first time or someone I just haven’t seen in a while. The first thing I want to say to them is, “It’s insane! And, as a person, I can’t do anything!” But then I think to myself, God damn it, shut the fuck up.
Klicka här för att läsa hela intervjun
Nya New Moon bilder samlade i ett youtube klipp :D
Hittade detta super klippet med massa nya smaskiga New Moon bilder ;D
Såhär är det :P
Jag kommer tyvärr inte att lägga upp så mycket på sidan mer i dag på grund att det är min mammas födelsedag :D får se om det blir något mer i kväll eller inte, Detta va hennes kort som jag slängde ihop på 30 sekunder :S :D
Bild från inspelningen av Eclipse
Peter Facinelli la ut denna bild på sin twitter ;)
Chaske on twitter
Chaske Spencer, a.k.a. Sam in New Moon, got a twitter:
Also, despite some Twilight stars (yep stars get fooled too) following a Taylor Lautner and a fake Rob account. It isn’t real. The fake Taylor account is chatting with a fake Dan Radcliffe account about their plans to see the next Harry Potter movie together.
Taylor is high profile enough (as are Rob, and Kristen) that any account that any of them had would be verified by Twitter in mere days of creation (Ashley Greene’s account took 3 days.) Plus, if their accounts were real, Mr. Twitter god himself-Peter Facinelli- would have mentioned it since he knows the three of them rather well.
Hur många anledningar finns det?
Varför kan inte sverige vara de landet där allt händer :O :(
När tänker dom komma till oss då?? :(
Creation Entertainment announces:
Join the celebration and make your plans now to visit one or more of The Official TWILIGHT Convention Tour stops! With great guest celebrities, exclusive presentations, raise the roof parties, musical performances, trivia, costume and centerpiece contests, auctions, autographs, photo opportunities, Twilight Lexicon and TwilightMOMS panels, cool vendors with hot licensed merchandise, ultra-exciting surprises, and tons of fellow fans from around the globe: The Tour is THE place to be for Twilight fans!