Kristen & Taylor´s photoshoot!
Här kommer bilderna som alla dregglar till! Så sjukt snygga!
Till varje bild finns det ett quote, läs dom! De är otroligt bra!

''I love that kid. I would do anything for him. I would kill for him, literally.''

''I don't want to give my secrets away, but you, like, sit low in cars.''

'No one's ever going to write, 'Oh, she's actually just a prettyf---in' average chick who really loves what she does.'
That's not gonnahappen.'

''It was a stress-free job for three months...All the pressure was on Taylor.''
''The hardest part is not the working out.
I knew what I was workingfor, so to get to the gym and work really hard was easy for me.''

''It's challenging, because he's not human.
I mean, what human walksaround with a frown, looking like he wants to kill something?''

Till varje bild finns det ett quote, läs dom! De är otroligt bra!

'People have seen his body and all that stuff and it's a shockerbecause it's hard to believe
that anyone can be quite so carved.
But heactually delivers a really great performance. He wasn't just exercisingall day.''
that anyone can be quite so carved.
But heactually delivers a really great performance. He wasn't just exercisingall day.''

''I love that kid. I would do anything for him. I would kill for him, literally.''

''I don't want to give my secrets away, but you, like, sit low in cars.''

'No one's ever going to write, 'Oh, she's actually just a prettyf---in' average chick who really loves what she does.'
That's not gonnahappen.'

''It was a stress-free job for three months...All the pressure was on Taylor.''

''The hardest part is not the working out.
I knew what I was workingfor, so to get to the gym and work really hard was easy for me.''

''It's challenging, because he's not human.
I mean, what human walksaround with a frown, looking like he wants to kill something?''

''[Jacob and Bella] are so open, and they can tell each othereverything.
So it was very important for me and Kristen to grow veryclose before doing this.''
So it was very important for me and Kristen to grow veryclose before doing this.''
